Whether you need fuel for the lawnmower or your four-wheeler back at home, you stand the risk of the gas spilling and messing up your trunk.
It is pretty common to find people carrying gas cans in the trunk of their car. Spilled gasoline emits fumes that have various undesirable effects on people when inhaled. From light-headedness to dizziness and even nausea, this is not the experience you want your passengers to have when hitching a ride.
The oily nature of gasoline also makes it pretty difficult to get rid of when spilled. As such, you need a multi-dimensional approach to successfully remove the gas spill. In this post, we consider how to clean gas spill in your car trunk.
Cleaning Spilled Gasoline from your Car Trunk
If you happen to accidentally spill a can of gas inside your trunk, follow the guide below to get rid of the devastating smell and fumes permanently:
Step 1: Take Safety Measures
Taking the proper safety precautions is always an essential step for any project due to potential health risks. When exposed to gasoline fumes, adequate ventilation should be ensured before beginning a cleaning job in order to ensure well-being.
Instead of doing it from the garage, park your vehicle on the side of the street where there is an uninterrupted flow of air. If you are sensitive to the gasoline fumes, find a clean piece of cloth to wrap around your mouth and nose or use a protective mask.

Step 2: Locate the Spillage
When you're prepared to try and find the source of a gas odor, trust your nose! It'll direct you right toward where the spillage has occurred. If that doesn’t work for you though, consider tracking back in time with your memory - or use touch to feel around inside the trunk until any wet spots indicate an area of possible leakage.
Step 3: Soak Up the Gasoline
If there are any visible wet spots in the trunk, get a dry rug and press it against the area to soak in as much gasoline as possible. Newspapers are also quite absorbent and can be used instead of the dry rug if you don’t have any around.
To complete the task, you must extract any gas that has soaked into your trunk floor. First, spray clean water over the affected area to loosen gasoline molecules and make it slightly damp - remember that 'oil and water don't mix'! This last step is essential in ensuring a successful process.
After you have spayed the water, take a bowl of salt or cornmeal then spread a thin layer over the stain. Let it soak for around half an hour so that the gas is completely sucked out. Remember to clean out the salt or cornmeal after giving it a few minutes to absorb the spillage.
Step 4: Clean the Spill
Start by making a cleaning solution to effectively get rid of the gas stain. Luckily, there are many ways to do this using everyday household products. For instance, you can add half a cup of shampoo to three cups of tap water to make a cleaning solution.
Instead of shelling out for expensive cleaning agents, you can easily create a solution for everyday household items. Combine water and vinegar in equal parts, then add enough baking soda or dishwashing liquid to form a paste. Apply the mixture directly onto any spills before carefully scrubbing them away using either a dry rag or nylon brush!
Continue doing this until you notice that the stain is disappearing then dab the solution with unused rags. Remember to use different rags in each step for maximum absorption.
Step 5: Allow the Trunk to Dry
After you have cleaned the stains, give the trunk enough time to dry before you start dealing with the smell. Open the trunk door and expose it to the sun for expedited drying. You can even use a small fan if you have one in the house to speed up the process.
Inspect the trunk to ensure that there are no more wet spots on the trunk floor. If the spill was severe, you might have to repeat the previous step to take care of it completely.
Step 6: Eliminate the Odor
If you're looking for a way to get rid of persistent gasoline smells, using coffee grounds could be the solution. Their sweet aroma has been known to overpower unwanted odors and leave your car smelling fresh again! Rub some around the affected area and let it sit for about seven days before vacuuming up any excess.
Another way to do this is by applying baking soda, which is commonly used to get rid of all kinds of smells. Pour dry baking soda on the smelly areas in your car trunk and leave it for around a week or two. Vacuum the baking soda and replace it with another layer until the smell is gone. (You can also use baby powder in place of the baking soda).
Finally, you can also use kitty litter to eliminate the odor. This has wonderful absorbent properties and will get rid of the smell. Just pour some kitty litter on the spillage and give it one or two days before vacuuming. If the smell is persistent, repeat the process until it's no longer there.
Step 7: Replace the Carpet in Your Car Trunk
If spills in your car have caused more damage than repeated cleanings can repair, then the best option may be to replace the carpet. Another way to avoid further incidents is by taking preventative measures such as adding protective liners - safeguarding against future gasoline odor or other hazardous liquids.
You can install a waterproof trunk liner made of rubber instead of the commonly used fabric ones. This way, your work will be cut out in the event of any future gasoline spills.

Final Thought
Cleaning spilled gasoline may consume a lot of your time! Luckily, the right products and methods, as explained above , will assist you to restore your car trunk after such a spillage. The above guide provides a step-by-step approach on how you can finally get rid of that gasoline spill that has been troubling you for weeks.